
.Supporters and those opposing a measure amending the state`s constitution to ban gay marriage, listen to debate on the measure outside a hearing of the House Judiciary Committee at the Indianapolis Statehouse..The “red state” citadels against marriage equality in America are quaking. A U anti-marriage The head of the Catholic Church in England and Wales, who is also known for his vocal opposition to same-sex marriage, is set to be created a Cardinal by Pope Francis next month.... Indiana Gov...The media is awash with passionate, intellectual outputs, decrying Nigerias President signing the anti-gay bill into law. District Judge in Oklahoma on Tuesday threw out as discriminatory the Sooner State`s ban on same-sex marriage, less than a month after a& The Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers, Association, a coalition of anti-gay sheriffs and homophobic conservative supporters, held a rally on Saturday billed as a. They`re just pro-”traditional” marriage. The Court recognizes that moral disapproval often stems from& .And he effectively slammed every so-called “pro-family” anti-gay group, every evangelical and every Christian organization`s arguments against marriage equality. No doubt Pence thinks he is following his "Christian duty" by opposing marriage equality Just like he probably felt it was his "Christian duty" to use doctored& S.Nigerians yesterday react ed angrily to US criticisms of the country over the anti-same sex bill signed into law by President Goodluck Jonathan, Monday, saying that Nigeria will not become the modern day Sodom and& .Today at a news conference, New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez announced that she would oppose any proposed legislation for a constitutional amendment to restrict the freedom to marry to different-sex couples in New& .Their thesis statement? Because Utahns didn`t start riots or pillage gay folks` houses during the brief window when marriage equality was legal in their state, they are clearly not anti-gay. Mike Pence To Address Anti-Gay Marriage Group - .Supporters and those opposing a measure amending the state`s constitution to ban gay marriage, listen to debate on the measure outside a hearing of the House Judiciary Committee at the Indianapolis Statehouse..The “red state” citadels against marriage equality in America are quaking. A U winnebago motorhome
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